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Specifications and Prices Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha

Written By Unknown on Friday, February 1, 2013 | 14:20

Specifications for Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha 2013. Blackberry price latest news will we present this time will this specifically about the blackberry 10 series that began bustling discussed the Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha. One type of blackberry 10 are planned to be released by RIM on January 30, 2013 seems really intriguing blackberry lovers wondering whether to review Specification blackberry 10 Dev Alpha full alpha or maybe some people are curious about the price of blackberry 10 Dev alpha year 2013.
Specifications and Prices Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha

Review Specifications Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha:
  1. Operating System BlackBerry 10
  2. Screen / Screen full screen of 4.2 inches 
  3. 1280 × 768 screen resolution with 16.8 million colors. 
  4. Three popular messaging app, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, and Windows Live Messenger
  5. RIM_IM_Clients 
  6. Equipped with the app world level 2 
  7. 1GB of RAM. 
  8. Internal storage of 16GB device 
  9. Capacity up to 32GB micro-SD card 
  10. Baterai1, 800mAh.
Blackberry Dev Alpha 10 is rumored to be carrying the display / screen with a width of 4.2 inch with a resolution of 1280 × 768 px, with no QWERTY keypad. Physical Design is a full touchscreen seems almost the same as the Playbook mini that barely has a QWERTY keypad.

Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha is equipped with the latest Blackberry Operating System OS 10, with embedded RAM and 1 GB of internal memory that has a capacity of 16GB and a slot for external memory that you can fill with up to 64GB of external memory.

Related price blackberry 10 Dev alpha, 2013, RIM smartphone uses sophisticated blend Processor which is supported by the ARM Cortex-A9 dual-core processor with extra mini-HDMI port for those of you who want output Video HD high resolution.

Advantages And Disadvantages Blackberry 10:
  1. Talking about the advantages of alpha dev blackberry 10 you can see the features of the application menu that allows the user to select the application that runs in the background simply by pulling from the side menu and window screens.
  2. Privileged blackberry 10 second alpha dev you can see the features of the existing camera on 10 mm alpha dev. By doing a photo shoot with the camera blackberry 10 Dev alpha, you can return the time to choose the best image when shooting.
  3. However, the lack blackberry 10 Dev alpha I still do not know because I personally have not bought it.
Price Latest  Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha 2013 :
  1. New Blackberry Dev Alpha Price = $850
  2. Price Blackberry Dev Alpha Used / Second = $690
  3. Price Blackberry Dev Alpha BM =$700
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